
Launch and scale your ride-hailing business

All-in-one solution for your ride-hail business: rider and driver apps branded for your company, dispatching software and fleet management system.

Ride-hailing software
Used by over 100 companies, from startups to large cross-country corporations.

200+ features to become a market leader

Are you just starting a ride-hail business or already processing thousands of rides daily? Explore what ATOM Mobility can offer to scale operations and provide a superior digital user experience.


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Passenger/rider app

  • Launch your own customized and white-label passenger and driver app with your branding.
  • Provide your customers with a fully automated, seamless booking experience.
  • Live ETAs, a well-designed app, secure payments, and a stable system ensure that customers register easily and stay with you longer.
  • Boost your revenue by providing corporate customers with a dedicated dashboard to offer your taxi services to their employees.

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Ride-hailing software
Ride-hailing software

Management and dispatch system

  • Get feature-rich software to manage every aspect of your ride-hailing business.
  • Manage drivers, customers, bookings, corporate accounts, and settings via a single dashboard.
  • Automatically receive bookings from the passenger app and corporate accounts, and easily dispatch 3rd party bookings such as phone and chat.
  • Set up automatic payouts to drivers after every booking. Keep track of rides, revenue, distribution, utilization, and many other analytical data.

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Ride-hailing software

Ready to launch your ride-hailing business next week?

Get access to the most technologically advanced ride-hailing platform and win the market.